Tuesday, 29 November 2011

SEO Content Articles - Write Them this Way

Writing SEO content or content rich articles is simpler than most people think. Follow these simple guidelines to write SEO content articles that don't look like keyword stuffed pages.

This article is a follow up on SEO content writing, in which I gave a quick overview of the art and craft of writing for search engines and real people at the same time. OK, here we go.

SEO Content Headlines Writing

Use the target keywords as the first words of the headline. However, if you simply write the keyword as the headline, people are not going to click on the link to reach your website. Make the headline appealing by making a promise. In the title of this article, I promised you to teach you a way of writing SEO content articles and you are here.

SEO Content Descriptions

Write a very short description of two-three sentences. Write a lively and engaging description to get people hooked to the topic. Include more than two variations of the primary keyword. The first paragraph of this article is a description, which contains keywords like 'writing seo content', 'articles', and 'keyword'.

Use Sub-headings with Keywords

Subheadings with headlines are a key factor of SEO content articles. These sub-headings will make it easy for readers to scan your article. The subheadings also make it easy for you to divide your article into sub-sections and write useful content easily. The keywords in the subheadings tell the search engines that the page is contextually consistent. That is, you don't start with SEO content writing and wander into affiliate marketing.

Use Relevant Keywords to Make it an SEO Content Article

Bring keywords related to the primary keyword to as many places possible into the article without questioning the intelligence of your readers. In other words, your SEO content article can have keywords repeated multiple times in the article. It tells the search engines they have directed their visitors to the right page.

TheNextWeb published a neat joke, which clearly explains what keyword stuffing is. Avoid it or become the topic of jokes.

Forget About Keyword Density

If you are looking for keyword density of more than 3%, you are wasting your energy. High keyword density doesn't translate into better SEO content articles. You don't have to use any keyword more than 10 times in a 500-word article. Concentrate more on the natural flow of the article instead. Sometimes the keyword density can be more than 4% or even 5%. When it happens, make sure it happens in a natural way.

Use Keywords in the Last Paragraph

Honestly, I don't see any benefit using the keywords in the last paragraph or sentence of the article. It may just tell the search engines that the content remains topical without wandering into random topics.

Do tell me if this article will help you write SEO content articles that get human attention. 


  1. Seo content writer and article writer. The post has given useful information about them

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  2. The seo content had how to write them is given in the post here.useful post

    SEO experts
